Read the latest news about I3P, the incubated start-ups and the initiatives from the innovation network.
Xenialab, a company founded within I3P, joins the INGO group to enhance its expertise in omnichannel user experience.
Sono tanti i bandi e le call per startup pubblicati per raccogliere idee, progetti e innovazioni utili a contrastare l’emergenza Covid-19. Qui potete trovare una guida aggiornat...
Dall’iniziativa di B Heroes e Boost Heroes, nasce la call C Heroes che si concluderà il 31 marzo 2020.
Innovation doesn't stop and neither I3P, send your innovative idea to get a feedback from our tutors.
Torino City Love, the solidarity and innovation initiative aimed at citizens and businesses, has been launched.
La Commissione Europea si rivolge a startup e PMI con soluzioni innovative per fronteggiare il Covid-19. La nuova scadenza per candidarsi è il 20 marzo alle ore 17.
Jojob, the leading company carpooling service in Italy, has chosen to become a "benefit company", further underlining the positive impact of its mission.
Fashion becomes sustainable when AI and Evo's predictive analytics are applied to the industry.
C'è tempo sino al 6 marzo per candidare il proprio lavoro di ricerca alla 9° edizione del Premio Nazionale GiovedìScienza!
Friday 14th February, at the end of A&T faire, the Premio Innovazione 4.0 has been awarded. In the Startup category Enermove has won the first prize.
During the twenty years' celebration of the Incubator, I3P awarded the Start-ups of the Year 2019, for their brilliant results: Enerbrain and Medics.
The prize was awarded in Catania to Clearbox AI Solutions, young innovative company incubated in I3P, among over 1,000 business ideas and more than 400 business plans presented ...