
Personae: launched the third edition of the Welfare Accelerator of CDP Venture Capital


The accelerator will select up to 10 start-ups for an initial investment of €100,000 and four months of intensive acceleration.

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Applications are now open for the third edition of Personae, the acceleration programme dedicated to the growth of start-ups engaged in the development of innovative welfare services, models and products.

Personae is the accelerator that aims to promote start-ups as catalysts of social innovation complementary to public welfare systems, supporting the development of projects that respond innovatively to the most current challenges in the welfare field, such as demographic imbalance, the fragmentation of family structures, the emergence of new relational models or the strengthening of social vulnerability. 

The solutions sought must have characteristics of accessibility, personalisation, flexibility, inclusion, innovation and fall within the intervention areas of individual, family and community, work, economic well-being: offering better access to services, facilitating the balance between personal life and career, promoting inclusion and new approaches to relational and social life needs.

Selected start-ups will participate in a 4-month intensive acceleration programme focused on growth for market entry, with masterclasses and mentorship sessions with mentors and industry professionals, networking opportunities and collaboration with Italian investors. Start-ups will receive an initial investment of €100,000 and the possibility to access a further investment (‘follow-on’) of up to €300,000 for start-ups with the highest growth and scalability potential. 

The last edition, which concluded with a Demo Day on June 10th, 2024 hosted by Accenture Italia, saw the six accelerated start-ups - Accessibit, Centro DCA, Dermaself, FunniFin, GRLS and HandySigns - present themselves to a panel of investors, business angels and stakeholders. Interested start-ups have the opportunity to apply for the third edition of the acceleration programme until September 29th, 2024 at www.personae-accelerator.com.

The call is open to Italian start-ups, as well as to young international companies that have Italian founders and intend to open an office in Italy.

The programme is part of the CDP Venture Capital National Accelerators Network, which is present throughout the country to help the growth of young companies specialising in high-potential markets. Set up on the initiative of CDP Venture Capital Sgr and realised together with SocialFare | Centro per l'Innovazione Sociale and a|cube with a total budget of €6.1 million, Personae sees the participation of SocialFare Seed, a|impact - Avanzi Etica SICAF EuVECA and Fondazione Italiana Accenture ETS as co-investors and benefits from the support of main partners Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo and Fondazione Social Venture Giordano dell'Amore. Accenture Italia participates as a corporate partner.

For further information, it is possible to write to the e-mail address info@personae-accelerator.com.
