Call "Interventions to support the birth of start-ups (2023-2024)"

Always open


I3P, certified business incubator, is an implementing party of the Italian public call for proposals "Interventi di sostegno alla nascita delle startup (2023-2024)" (“Interventions to support the birth of start-ups (2023-2024)”), implemented under the PR ESF PLUS 2021-2027 program and aimed at enhancing the skills trained by certified incubators through measures that include both services and contributions, to also contribute to the achievement of a more innovative Europe.

The selected certified incubators are committed to providing services as part of a comprehensive path of support, from stimulating the aptitude of the entrepreneurial capacity of recipients proposing innovative projects, to accompaniment aimed at transforming an innovative idea into a concrete business project, to support for the birth of the innovative start-up and its early stages of operation.

Each certified incubator, as an implementing entity, collects applications from target entities on the following measures defined by the call:

  • Measure 5: preliminary activities and start-up assistance desk;
  • Measure 6: ex-ante start-up support services;
  • Measure 7: start-up consulting, ex-ante mentoring and accompaniment.

Particular attention is paid by the call to business proposals concerning applications designed for human health protection, prevention, emergency, data and information management, economic recovery and system strengthening following health crises, such as that brought about by the spread of the Covid-19 virus outbreak, to business proposals operating in the “green” sphere.

Two cases are envisioned: 

  • submission of project proposals by implementing entities; 
  • submission of applications by innovative start-ups for access to start-up consulting activities (Measure 8: start-up consulting, ex-post tutoring and accompaniment).

Beneficiaries of the call

Target subjects – Measures 5, 6, 7

  • a) “researchers” i.e. PhD students/assignees/researchers/teachers/contractors/students with significant research activity on a specific topic that is the subject of the innovative start-up to be established; 
  • b) subjects aged 40 years or less who, on the date of acceptance of service, have a high school diploma and a curriculum consistent with the submitted project (the entrepreneurial team must consist of at least 2 people with complementary skills); 
  • c) individuals between the ages of 18 and 65 who propose an innovative project and are unemployed, inactive, or employed.

Final recipients – Measure 8

The following are eligible for access with a specific application to Finpiemonte, subject to prior registration with the Regional Registry on the Vocational Training - Labor Information System:

  • innovative start-ups born with the support of the services provided under Measures 5, 6 and 7 concluded with the validation of the business plan/business model; 
  • innovative start-ups born with the services financed with ESF 2014-2020 programming that did not have access to Measure 6.2.
