
Premio 2031 is back for its fourteenth edition: applications are open until October 31, 2024


Formerly the Gaetano Marzotto Prize, Premio 2031 is an award network committed to enhancing and supporting projects that generate a positive impact.

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"We support you!". This is the official motto of the fourteenth edition of Premio 2031, which has officially opened its 2024 call for applications. The initiative, promoted by Associazione 2031, aims to support and identify the most promising ideas that can help change the future of Italy.

In fact, Premio 2031 is an award network that for years has been committed to enhancing and supporting projects capable of generating a positive impact on society, the environment and the economy, because it is only through innovation that we can build a better future for everyone.

"We are chronically behind. Italy does not invest in innovation. It does not believe in it. Politicians do not look at technology and innovation as necessary and fundamental platforms for the future of the country," said Cristiano Seganfreddo, President of 2031. "We resist and believe that there is no other way but radical innovation. 2031 represents the active innovation system that concretely supports a strategic sector, also from an anagraphic point of view. We cannot let Italian innovation go, but we must help the hundreds of incredible realities that make it, despite everything. Italy needs a real change of pace and investment to compete on an international scale."

The synergy with the ecosystem

Thanks to the collaboration with important partners, both national and international, Premio 2031 has helped to create a favourable ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship, offering innovators the opportunity to develop their ideas and turn them into reality. All prizes in this new edition of 2031 are divided as follows: 

  • 9 Special Prizes offered by sponsors and corporate partners; 
  • 33 Acceleration Paths offered by top Italian innovation centres; 
  • 2031 Startup Award
  • Primo Round.

There are thus several opportunities to get your idea off the ground with special prizes offered by the sponsors and partners of the initiative, including Invitalia, Repower, UniCredit, Jacobacci & Partners, and InnovUp. Many innovation centres have also joined 2031 for this edition, including the I3P incubator in Turin, which last year had the pleasure of witnessing the victory of the Startup Award 2023 by the young incubated company U-Care Medical.

How to apply

The call for proposals allows, through a single application, to compete for several prizes at the same time. The proposed ideas must be original, innovative and feasible, financially sustainable and able to generate economic returns. Participation is free of charge. To participate, you must complete the online form from the ‘Participate’ section of the 2031 website, in accordance with the terms: 

  • call opening: September 10, 2024
  • deadline for submission of proposals: October 31, 2024 (by midnight); 
  • final event: December 2024, Milan.

More information and updates on the 2024 edition are available on the official Premio 2031 website.
