
Adventures towards new horizons: I3P hosts Chiara Montanari, the first Italian to lead an expedition to Antarctica


The meeting will offer a unique professional and personal testimony, a story that combines technical and scientific expertise with the desire for innovation.

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"Scintille" (Sparks) is a series of meetings with brilliant minds and leading personalities from a wide range of sectors. The event series is organised by I3P, the Innovative Companies Incubator of Politecnico di Torino, as part of its 25th anniversary celebrations.

On May 14th, 2024, starting at 6 PM in the Agorà hall at I3P's headquarters, the incubator will welcome a very special guest: Chiara Montanari, the first Italian to have led an expedition to Antarctica, an engineer with decades of experience in managing polar missions at international research bases, who will recount the challenges and the strategies adopted to overcome them - thus possibly inspiring the future generations of engineers, explorers and entrepreneurs.

In addition to being renowned for her extraordinary ability to face extreme challenges with determination and courage, her experiences and leadership in five expeditions to Antarctica have made her an icon of adventure and engineering. As a pioneer in the field of polar exploration, Chiara Montanari has managed some of the most extreme research bases on the planet, such as the Concordia base, located 4,000 metres above sea level on the polar cap and characterised by extreme temperatures between minus 50 and minus 80 degrees Celsius.

Montanari has also contributed significantly to research, collaborating with the Cherenkov Telescope Array in the exploration of the high energies of the universe, and currently shares her expertise through training courses for companies interested in developing the Antarctic Mindset, a fundamental way of thinking for thriving in uncertainty. She is also involved in promoting youth entrepreneurship empowerment and awareness-raising towards research and environmental sustainability.

Presenting the event will be Paola Mogliotti, Director of I3P, and Adriano Marconetto, Entrepreneur In Residence of the incubator. Participation in the meeting is free of charge, subject to online registration while places are available. The event will be held in Italian language.

"The meeting with Chiara Montanari will be an opportunity to get to know a story that combines technical and scientific expertise with a great passion for innovation and the search for new horizons," emphasised Giuseppe Scellato, President of I3P. "The 'Scintille' event series is part of the 25th anniversary celebrations since the foundation of I3P: over the years, the incubator has supported hundreds of start-ups, helping to create an ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship that we intend to further enhance through a series of new initiatives, supported by our community of entrepreneurs and innovators."
