Ecosystem players meet to find interesting new ways forward together, identifying the skills, synergies and needs of players in the Aerospace and Sustainable Mobility supply chains.
The event "Projects and Progress. Academy and Industry dialogue", held on June 19, 2024 in I3P, was a success in terms of participation and discussion among Spoke 1 actors: representatives from innovative companies and applied research presented projects funded through NODES, and then looked together for new developments and applications, comparing possibilities for cooperation and complementary skills.

An important goal of Spoke 1 and the Ecosystem is precisely maximum yield in collaboration between business and universities, leveraging each other's skills for maximum results in the contexts of the double transition and the transformation of sectors and paradigms for the New Space Economy and Sustainable Mobility, for the continued competitiveness at the highest level of the NODES area.
In addition to the universities - Politecnico and Università di Torino - and Spoke 1 Partners, the event saw the participation of the representatives of Spoke's Flagship Projects, as well as representatives of both industrial and academic Proof of Concepts resulting from NODES funding calls.