Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-E) Turin - Launch Event

22/05/2024 h 18:30 I3P, Sala Agorà - Corso Castelfidardo 30/A, Turin, Italy

Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-E) Turin - Launch Event

On May 22nd, 2024, I3P will host the Launch Event of the Turin Regional Network of Women in Aerospace Europe, for an evening of presentation of the intended activities for the Turin group, networking and feedbacks from the people that will be involved in the future activities and upcoming projects.

Women in Aerospace (WIA) is an international association dedicated to enhance the diversity, equity, and inclusion, and increasing the leadership capabilities and visibility of women in the aerospace community. The goal of the association is to acknowledge and promote innovative individuals who strive to advance the aerospace industry. The members, comprised of all genders, share a passion for a broad spectrum of aerospace issues, including human space flight, aviation, remote sensing, satellite communications, robotic space exploration, and the policy issues surrounding these fields, among others.

These goals are achieved through different activities and initiatives, including professional development workshops, scholarships, research and networking all over Europe, as different regional network are present on an international level (Austria, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, UK and Switzerland). Turin, as a hub of aerospace activity, is a natural fit for a WIA-E Regional Network.

WIA-E Turin is open to all individuals involved in the aerospace sector who wish to make a difference in the field of inclusivity. The goals of the Turin chapter are to offer workshops for professional development, create networking opportunities for collaboration, and build a supportive ecosystem involving companies, research institutions, and start-ups. The involvement of all these entities will be fundamental for the growth of the local ecosystem, bringing together mentors and mentees and fostering research activities together, focusing on the topic of gender equality and other topics.

The launch event will be the perfect opportunity to gain insights and feedbacks from all the interested people, to present Women in Aerospace Europe as an association and introduce the Turin community to the future activities of the group.

How to join the event

The meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024, starting at 6:30 PM, at the Agorà hall of the I3P incubator, located within the Campus of Politecnico di Torino (Polytechnic University of Turin) and accessible both from the main gate of Corso Castelfidardo 30/A, and from the pedestrian entrance of Via Pier Carlo Boggio 59

Participation in the event is free of charge, subject to registration on Eventbrite.
